March 10, 2025
Fire outlook from the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). The purpose of the outlook is to indicate areas where the combination of dry dead fuels, such as grass and timber, and meteorological conditions (wind, relative humidity, temperature, and dry thunderstorms) might contribute to potentially dangerous wild fire behavior. The SPC does not forecast local meteorological conditions (i.e., local variability of relative humidity or the effects of terrain on wind direction and speed). In addition, slope of local terrain, types of fuels (fuel model), variability of fuels, and live fuel moisture content are not considered in detail.
The fire danger rating system, from the Wild Fire Assessment System (WFAS), takes into account current and previous weather, fuel types, and fuel moisture (live and dead). The rating ranges from low (dark green) to extreme (dark red), and indicates a fire's starting capability, ability to spread, and burn intensity.